Pitchstr is a recruitment tool that helps make application screening easier, better and faster

This introductory video says it best!

How does it work?

Pitchstr will bring all job applications to one centralized location where recruiters can go through each application, filter them, categorize them and add remarks and share with the hiring team seamlessly.

Applications are in the form of short videos - 30 to 60 seconds - to which written resumes and other information can be attached.

Why do recruiters love Pitchstr?

Short videos make a strong impression, making the recruiter want to know more about the applicant or filter them out within 30-60 seconds.

Personal videos augment the written resume in a way a screening call cannot. Videos show the true person behind the application better than a professionally written resume, which is most often exactly that, written by a professional resume writer.

The video in addition to the resume pack a lot of information about the candidate, a thing that eliminates the need for a screening call and all the logistical headache associated with it.

The shareability of the applications, comments and recommendations between the recruiter and the hiring team gives everyone access to all relevant information which makes the hiring decision not only fairer, but also faster.

What’s in it for the Job Seeker?

Most Job Seekers satisfy the basic requirements of the job description posted, but only a small percentage of these applications are actually viewed by a human being. With Pitchstr, 100% of applications that satisfy the requirements are viewed by a decision maker.

The biggest frustration of job seekers is not being able to present themselves in person and make their case every time they apply for a job. Pitchstr helps them face the recruiter, every time, and tell them, in person, why they think they’re the perfect candidate for the job.

A seamless and speedy hiring process is not only good for recruiters and hiring companies, but also job seekers. Applicants are tired of jumping through hoops, meeting multiple executives, screening calls taking multiple weeks of their time. The video application through Pitchstr helps all involved know the applicant much better and eliminate the need for multiple interviews.

Why Pitchstr?

We just love saying everything in Video!

The Benefits of a good Video Application

  • Making a personal video to apply for a job shows that the candidate is strongly interested in the job and company.

  • Career history and experience are facts and figures that a traditional resume can list in detail. Passion and attitude are not. Once the technical requirements of the job are met, the candidate’s fit for the position is a matter of personality, passion and attitude, which a 30-60 seconds video clearly conveys.

  • While there is no substitute for a person-to-person interview to make a final hiring decision, Pitchstr improves the process of elimination by up to 90%. Recruiters can require that candidates address a few questions in their videos, thus reducing the number of candidates that make it to a final interview to a minimum..

  • With video applications, EEO disclosures are implicit. While personal biases remain a problem as long as humans are hiring humans, the shareability of the video applications among the hiring team and recruiters involved keeps everyone’s bias in check and minimizes unfair practices.

“Pitchstr is a great tool that helps me know the real person applying for the job. The video applications save a lot of time. Screening calls are a thing of the past”

—Jeanne D. - Recruiter.